Tuesday, March 8, 2016

SOL # 8

Waking up for French
As much as I love French class, one of my least favorite parts of my day is waking up for class. It feels so early! Even though class doesn't start till 7:45, I usually have to wake up at about 6:30, which means that I am really tired for the rest of the day.  I drag myself up in my dark room and hardly have any idea what I put on to wear.  Just brushing my teeth and dragging a brush through my hair seem like huge tasks.  I practically roll down the stairs for something to eat and to let my puppy outside.  At this point, I’m finally starting to wake up.  I shove down a few bites of cereal just as my ride comes and I rush out the door.  Au revoir!


  1. Very good description of waking up for French! I totally agree!

  2. I agree, waking up for french is terrible! Usually I have a hard time even getting up.
